New Jersey Performing Arts Center
in association with Dance New Jersey
The Jersey (New) Moves Fellowship Program is awarded to choreographers whose work demonstrates extraordinary promise in the area of dance and seeks to provide new and unique opportunities for its fellows to develop in both the creative and professional realms. Applicants should be early career artists who would find it beneficial to spend two years working with a seasoned mentor and developing their craft in an artistically vibrant community.
The fellowship spans two seasons and centers around performances held at the culmination of each fellowship year as well as a myriad of professional opportunities.
First year fellows are expected to present an example of existing work; second year fellows will premiere a completed new work which has been fully developed under the umbrella of the fellowship.
Fellows are paired with a mentor/choreographer who will play an active role throughout the multi-year fellowship, participating in the creation and rehearsal of performances as well as providing professional guidance.
The 2020 performance is scheduled for Friday, June 19, 2020 at 8pm on NJPAC’s Lizzie & Jonathan Tisch Stage at Victoria Theater (with a tech day on Thursday, June 18, 2020.)
A series of panels, workshops, roundtables and seminars will be offered each fellowship year on a range of topics related to professional and career development in the arts/entertainment industry, including:
Developing an elevator pitch
Social media and marketing
Grant writing
Developing an arts education curriculum
Legal and union issues
Contracts and negotiations
Technical design
This year’s seminars are scheduled to take place on Wednesday, March 11 and Wednesday May 6.
Fellows are strongly encouraged to attend all professional career opportunities offered as part of the fellowship.
In addition, as part of the fellowship NJPAC will develop and provide a resource toolkit for fellows. The toolkit will include, but is not limited to the following:
Annual performance opportunities on NJPAC’s Lizzie & Jonathan Tisch Stage at Victoria Theater
Tech rehearsal on NJPAC’s Lizzie & Jonathan Tisch Stage at Victoria Theater leading up to performances
Rehearsal space in Newark (20-40 hours TBD)
Access to tickets for dance performances at NJPAC
Videographer for performances
Photographer for rehearsals and performances
Online social media package and website portal
Press kit
Fundraising support
Access to audience contact information
Networking opportunities with mentors, former participants and industry VIPs
Arts Education:
Fellows are expected to serve as mentors and teaching artists as part of NJPAC’s Arts Education offerings. Specifics will be determined in conjunction with NJPAC staff based on availability and interest. Our expectation is that Fellows will be full and active members of our NJPAC community, committed to engaged interactions with students during the academic year.
An annual honorarium of $1,000 will be offered per choreographer and is meant to help artists set aside periods of time for experimentation, exploration and development of new work.
- Newly-established choreographers, 18 years and older
- Work has never been produced in a full- or half-evening concert as part of a performing arts center season
- Must be New Jersey based company/artist and able to provide proof of residency
- Must be a current member of Dance New Jersey (visit www.dancenj.org to sign up)
- Can be an individual choreographer or new company choreographer
- Lighting and Sound will use NJPAC repertory plot; only minimal technical needs available
- A diversity of styles is encouraged
Please provide a clear artistic statement no longer than 400 words and attach up to two sample videos of 5-10 minutes each in the form below. These will be examples of work you have done in the past and/or working on now.
The deadline for submissions is Friday, February 14, 2020.
Applicants will be notified of their selection by Monday, March 2, 2020.