
starring Tito Nieves, Arturo O’Farrill and the Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra and Eddie Palmieri Salsa Orchestra

¡Viva la Música! In the best tradition of the venerated “Jazz Meets Salsa,” series, this all-star lineup features hard-swinging virtuoso pianist Eddie Palmieri and his Salsa Orchestra, storied bandleader and keyboardist Arturo O’Farrill (son of jazz pioneer Chico O’Farrill and heir to a great musical legacy) performing Chico’s “Afro Cuban Jazz Suite”, one of Charlie Parker’s signature pieces, and Puerto Rico’s celebrated son and salsa singer Tito Nieves.

Your safety is our priority. Please read about all of NJPAC’s health precautions and safety requirements before purchasing your ticket.

A fee of $3.50 has been added to all performance tickets to offset the cost of COVID-19 upgrades and maintenance for performances taking place between September 1, 2021, through July 1, 2022.

NJPAC values the safety of our audiences, artists, and staff. It regularly updates its COVID protocols and procedures based on CDC, federal, state, city, and other scientific data. NJPAC reserves the right to alter safety protocols at any time and at its sole discretion including but not limited to social distancing, vaccines/testing, masks, food service limitations, venue capacity, and entrance requirements as it deems appropriate.